I argue for an analysis of definiteness effect verbs in Hungarian in which verbs that participate in the definiteness effect are considered to be 'systematically polysemous' in that their so-called definiteness effect meaning is simply one of two or more meanings that they have. Focusing on their definiteness effect meaning, the leading idea is that there is both uniformity and diversity in the semantics of these verbs. The uniformity is seen in the idea that every definiteness effect verb introduces a novel discourse referent corresponding to its direct internal argument. The diversity is revealed in the idea that although every definiteness effect verb specifies an 'end condition' that comes to hold of its internal argument, the exact value of this end condition varies across subclasses of definiteness effect verbs, hence there is no single end condition that does duty for all definiteness effect verbs.
I have another (loosely related) paper, "Weak and strong accomplishments", in the same volume.
In Event structure and the left periphery: Studies on Hungarian, Katalin É. Kiss (ed.), pp. 75–90. Springer, 2006.
Paper, scan (grayscale, 300 dpi)